We are a group of Danish students in our third internship, as pedagogue. We have chosen our internship in the Phillipines where we work in a childrens home. The institution is housing 50 kids. The kids are former street kids ( Age 5-21 ) and have been taken in from the street so that they can stay away from drugs and the rough life on the street. The center has school as first priority and therefor our goal and purpose is to create room for activity and development.
In the Philippines the main sport is Basketball. For the same reason this is the favorite activity at the center, but it isn't easy with the current situation. The ground is uneven, filled with rocks and just not very suitable for playing anything. Therefor we the students have made it our hope, dream and vision to help the institution building an asphalted basketball court, and give the children the surroundings they deserve.
The institution is located in one of the most poor areas in Cebu called Mandaue and the economic resources is mostly focused on school and hygiene. We think that the children deserve a proper location to stay, where there is room for happiness and social community.
We use this platform with the hope of raising some economic help to realize this project. Anyone who wishes to support will be able to follow the project, the development and end result on our Facebook page - Støtte til Basak-Mandaue Drop-In Center, Cebu, Filippinerne.
Thank you very much, together we can make a difference! :-)