Help the international Commedia students survive Corona crisis

0,00 kr. 0.00% af 20.000,00 kr.


Ruth Lerche @commediaschool

medlem siden 18. marts, 2020

Om projektet

The Corona virus is creating a very difficult situation for international students at The Commedia School. They typical live in small rooms, have smaller hand-to-mouth jobs, dumpster dive and take active part in foodsharing in order to sustain their living. Being far from their home environments and the support of family and friends render them vulnerable and causes stress.

On top of this, the Corona virus means, that they now have lost the small jobs they had. So now they cannot pay rent or buy food. The students do not benefit from government support, they are on their own.

11 students from Palestine, Egypt, Poland, Columbia, Turkey, Belgium, Norway need your help.  We hope to raise at least 20.000 kroner (2.600 Euro) from this crowdfunding to provide food and support for our students for one month.


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Thank your support!

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